

  • An efficient and widespread use of renewable energy sources, with a high penetration rate in the country’s energy mix and a growing importance in the citizens’ daily life.
  • A gradual disengagement from oil dependency and other polluting energy sources.
  • A growing progress of renewables, ensuring a more natural environment and improving living standards and working conditions.


  • Participate and contribute in a decisive manner in achieving our vision for Renewable Energy Sources by developing and implementation efficient methods of clean and environmentally friendly energy production.
  • Participate in the effort to reduce greenhouse gases emissions that aggravate global warming, saving non-renewable resources and achieving the national targets for the penetration of RES in the country?s energy mix.
  • Spread the philosophy that we borrow the natural resources of our planet from future generations and must therefore manage them prudently and wisely.


2EN aims to develop in all renewable energy sectors. At present the company operates in the fields of wind power, photovoltaic systems, and heat production from agricultural residues (pellets) in heating applications.